Challenge Accepted – ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Benj Arriola participates in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Benj Arriola participates in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I never really blog as much as I did before. So every once in a while I need to post something?!?!

The Nomination

Mike Lopez nominated me for the ice bucket challenge and I accepted the challenge.

Challenge Accepted

So I accept and here is my ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Performance

I nominated family in the Philippines:
Genoveva Arriola, Helene Grace Espino

Family in the US:
Dawn Camille Garcia, Jamie Garcia, Marcia Arriola

SEO/Social people in the Philippines
Jason Acidre, Kit Cuenta

Remember this is for raising awareness of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Donate to ALSA at

UPDATE (08-29-2014): I had to do this all over again, but this time as a group. IMI’s #IceBucketChallege

IMI's Ice Bucket Challenge
IMI’s Ice Bucket Challenge

Saddam Hussein Hanging

At the trial of Saddam Hussein, the final verdict was not led to torture but something worse. Saddam Hussein’s hanging. I am not that well versed in my history and current events, and all I knew about Saddam Hussein was his invasion attempt into Kuwait that the UN was against and the US has fought in a was against Saddam because of this invasion.

When I heard about this in the news, Saddam Hussein captured, went to trial, and will hang to death, I really do not know all the details and i checked out his biography, and his profile shows he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. His half brother and the judge at the trial of the original case in 1982 were also convicted of similar charges.

Below is the video of Saddam Hussein’s hanging.

Free Tibet

Brief History of Tibet

This video starts with introductory notes from Lhandon Tethong, Executive Director of Students for a free Tibet about Tibet and its history.

She mentions that Tibet’s history is rich with religion and bright colorful traditions of dance and song with influences from China, Nepal and India as their location are near these countries. As much influences came from these countries, Tibet was still isolated in its high elevation gave its own unique identity.

The Invasion of China

In 1949, China invaded the independent nation of Tibet coming from the east. This China communist rule took control of Tibet. In the next ten years, this became a desperate situation for Tibetan government.

Since 1959, the Dalai Lama lived in India along with probably 135,000 Tibetans and the Tibetan government that functions in exile.

Charlotte Priddle of Students for a free Tibet – London mentions that over the next decade, people begin to rise up and fight back. From then repression rate became extremely severe.

The Chinese government was then set to attack anyone that was a Tibetan government official, anyone in the monasteries and nunneries. Over 6,000 monasteries and nunneries were destroyed, tens of thousands Tibetan lives lost.

Anyone found to break Chinese law, were imprisoned and tortured. Some Tibetans have spent more than 30 to 40 years in jail whose crimes were no greater than having a photo of the Dalai Lama in their homes or was caught practicing Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibet Geographic Map

Tibet’s boundaries are not even distinct having various area claims as shown on Wikipedia.

Palden Gyatso – Tibentan Buddhism Monk

In response to the repression of the Tibetan people, a worldwide activism has emerged. Palden Gyatso, a Tibetan Buddhist monk, spent 33 years in prison, whose crime was taking part in a demonstration and putting up a poster. In prison, Palden Gyatso was beaten and brutalized beyond human belief. He would be tied up in ways that even pop out his shoulder joints and he would simply pass out due to the pain. Common instruments of torture, are cattle prods that are meant to be used on cattle electrifying them to make cattle move were used on people. Nuns in prison were raped with these cattle prods. Palden Gaytso has experienced even having these cattle prods inserted in his mouth and this electric shock is so great and has lost all his teeth with a shock.

Cattle Prods and various instruments of torture used by Chinese on Tibetan Prisoners

Above are cattle prods and various instruments of torture used by Chinese on Tibetan prisoners

With the pressure of Amnesty International and a letter writing campaign, Palden Gyatso was released from prison. Unlike many other Tibentan prisoners that may have escape prison that just never want to go back. Palden Gaytso visited the prison once more and bribed the guards to give some of the instruments of tortured used on the prisoners and brought them when he got out of prison going to India. This gave the world a visual vision on the torture prisoners of China have experienced.

“Because violence can only breed more violence and suffering, our struggle must be nonviolent and free of hatred.”

– His Holiness
The Dalai Lama

Faith in Exile – the Lessons of Tibet

Payden Gaytso striking behavior is he has no hatred against the people that did the tortures to him. He has no hatred against the Chinese government. He truly embodies the belief of Tibetan Buddhism, of love and compassion even for one’s enemy.

The Economic Invasion of Tibet

Lorne Stockman, a Environmental Consultant of the Free Tibet Campaign, mentions that Tibet is a rich resource country with many copra reserves, gold reserves and minerals that China desperately needs for its own economic development. Resources are extracted and taken out of the region and brought to China to fuel economies that are not trickled down in any way to the Tibetan economy. For 50 years the Tibetans have been suffering in occupation where they are brutalized if they have any decent in that occupation by the Chinese government. In these 50 years onwards, there has been no signs of China loosening their grip and in fact is tightening it. With the advancement of technology, this has enabled them to extract the natural resources China knew Tibet always had.

The Rush to Complete the Railway to Lhasa

China has been rushing to complete the Gormo-Lhasa railway to Tibet’s capital, Lhasa. Tibetans fear that his railway will give a larger influx of Chinese settlers, and increase the rate of depletion of the already depleted natural resources of Tibet and complete China’s colonization of Tibet.

Under pressure from activist, the British Petroleum has pulled out a deal with China in 2004 and the Chinese government has also been releasing Tibetan political prisoners. Releasing more than 10 since 2002, and yet more than hundreds are still in prison today. Tibetans are still regularly detained, tortured and imprisoned.

Help to free Tibet now

Find out how you can help Tibetan’s nonviolent resistance. Visit the Free Tibet Campaign and Students for a free Tibet.

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Responsible Gun Owners, Prevent Crime by Keeping Guns Secure

Guns are used all the time for various crimes. Although to be able to obtain a gun, proper licenses are required also. Now most criminals though, have stolen guns.

I personally do not own a gun. But at home where I grew up, my late father had several guns. He sold them to license gun owners so there are no guns in the house anymore. And I still remember when there was only 1 gun left, a Smith & Wesson Magnum .38 Revolver, my uncle was asking for it if he can have it, one of my cousins was asking for it too. But my Dad never gave it them, but this is where I saw the desire for many people to have a gun for it meant power to some people. And as we hear this over and over again, with great power comes great responsibility.

Preventing guns to get into the hands of criminals can be one way of doing that. Securing your guns well to prevent them from getting stolen, and one way to do that is with safe gun storage using gun safes. This should be a part of every responsible gun owner.

Looking for a Job and is a Christian?

Many of us look for jobs online. There is (which is how I got my first job in the US), Yahoo Jobs, Dice, Craig’s List and more. I can say these job placement portals have served well for the technical professions. But sometimes, we feel the need to follow our vocation. To help and serve as we are called toward HIM.

If you are a Christian, and wishes to serve the LORD better and would want to work for HIM, please visit If you are being called, do not turn away, look for the job you want HE will welcome you with open arms.

God Bless You.

Tour of San Diego

Today is Cinco de Mayo, here in San Diego is it also party time in some areas. And our company president, Robert C. Silkey of Einstein Industries may this day a special day to all employees. He opened up what he calls it a town hall meeting. Where we were all in the parking lot and talked about the future plans and present actions being taken by the company. He also answered all annonymous emails from the anonymous board and takled them very well. I believe he has please everyone and seemed honest about what can be done, what cannot be done and what will be done at Einstein Industries, Inc.

This meeting ended early as everyone was invited to the Cinco de Mayo party at his house. And after printing out some maps, and stayed for a while to wait for Mook work on some Flash stuff, we drove away heading to Robert’s place as Mook followed where I went. I rarely get lost with a map, but that day, I got lost a lot of times and I think I was passing the streets I need to turn in to. Maybe it was also because I was also keeping an eye on Mook if he was also still following behind, while I also paid attention to where we were going and I did not seem to see the right streets i needed to turn to.

After driving and we stopped for a second at 7-11, and asked the UPS guy that was there on how to get to Robert’s place, it was already 4pm and Mook also needed to pick up his wife after work. And I felt sorry for him and guilty since he was following me and I got lost, and so we both got lost. And we decided that I will go to the party and he will go and pick up his wife. Mook told me to tell hi to everyone and enjoy myself telling the story.

That time we were past Sea World already, and we drove following the instructions that I still can remember given by the UPS guy. Sea World Drive, just go straight, you will go over the bridge going over the 5 highway and once you get down, that is Morena Boulevard. I got to Morena without any problem, now, as I drove along Morena, I just didn’t see where I had to turn and I got to a point where I drove until it seemed the end and drove back. I noticed Morena and West Morena and I just gave up using too much gas already.

Sorry Mook also for the gas and time. If ever you were late for picking up your wife, tell her sorry also.

Well for me, it was another tour of San Diego.

Paying HSBC Credit Card for Nothing

After signing up for a Best Buy Credit Card, where they teamed up with HSBC to offer the service, I was also asked to sign up an optional HSBC credit card application. So ok, I signed it up, pass or fail their credit check, they said it was a no obligation thing.

I never received my credit card in the mail. But I think this is a California issue since I had the same problem with a Target card before that I needed to call them several times and all they said is that the California post office has block the mail and that I have to confirm the information by phone calling them up and keep complaining I never received the Credit Card.

And here comes the HSBC Credit Card bill. And I never even received the HSBC Credit Card! Duh, bill me for nothing. I did not even buy anything yet, but this card had annual fees. And they are billed first before getting the card. This card only had a credit limit of $300, it is not any special card at all. It is good as not having this HSBC Credit Card, it has no value to me at all and I needed to pay them an annual fee for an HSBC Credit Card with only a $300 Credit Limit? And I never even received the HSBC Credit Card?

That is like paying for something I never received! What is that called? Charity? Donation?

Now someone in India calls me saying I have to pay my bills. So I said I will cancel the account, and the only reason I did not cancel is because, this guy in India says I will receive the HSBC credit card in the mail soon, and it is nice to have some credit card even just for emergency. Well I said, since my application is in, ok, and that was last February. I paid a partial balance of $40 for the annual fees.
Up to now I never received my credit card. And my fees increased for non-payment of my HSBC Credit Card with a low $300 credit limit, billing me for something I never got!

I got a bills and I got a phone call from the HSBC Credit Card Call Center and this time, looks like an American, not from India, but who knows, he might be in the Philippines who are good in copying accents as compared to India Call Center agents. Again reminding me of the bill to pay. And I said, didn’t I call up to close this account already?

And they checked it out and yes it is closed and I still have some balance to pay. Funny, I have to pay for something I never have received. But the credit card system in the US is so connected and automated that this gives a red flag on your credit report. And here in the US, where there is Transunion, Experian and Equifax for the credit report, these are not like the Philippine companies: Philippine Credit Reporting Alliance Inc., CIBI Information Inc., Asian Credit Consultants and Business Services, Equifacts Information Inc., First Asia Corporate Business Connection, Excellent Credit Information Inc. where everything is connected together it one large database that businesses just subscribe to and check the credit information of anyone online.

It was like a no choice thing, that I had to pay this HSBC Credit Card annual fee just to keep my credit report nice and clean to avoid any denials in other subscription services or installment payments I may have in the future. So that’s it, I paid for the HSBC Credit Card service for something I never had.

I paid $40 last Feb 13, 2006, and another $140.15 total balance today, for this now closed HSBC credit card that I never used, and never received in the mail. I haven’t even gone through the activation thing, where I call up to activate the HSBC credit card. All I was charged was annual fees for having the HSBC Credit Card service.

After my transaction was done over the phone, I said just a few words before I end my conversation with you. I said I paid this bill, but I never received my HSBC Credit Card. And just right after I said that sentence… I was already thinking of telling him more how displeased I was and I wish it does not happen to others and that they should make it a point the HSBC Credit Card is received and activated, then they bill the client for the HSBC Credit Card annual fee. But the moment I thought of that, I did not tell it to him anymore, since I said nevermind, what will happen if I talk to you. You are in a call center, and what kind of heirarchy structure this message has to go through to get to the person involved in the system? So I just said ok thank you and byebye. And I just thought that I will just blog about this Hongkong Savings Bank Corporation Credit Card service that I was displeased of not receiving the service since I never received the HSBC Credit Card and was required to pay the annual fees. Instead of complaining and nothing happens to the complaint against HSBC Credit Card, then I will just blog about them and do some SEO magic.
So what credit card company do I recommend? Maybe any company listed in the links above this article or on the side that is not HSBC. I actually have a Direct Merchants Bank Platinum Credit Card and a Best Buy Credit Card and are happy with them, even if they are both powered by HSBC. Check the links above for other credit card companies.

What credit card do you recommend? Low APR and no annual fees. Tell me which one you like in your comments below.

And now that I have mentioned 3 credit cards here, phishers are everywhere. So those planning on doing phishing attempts, please do not bother my inbox with all the trash emails.

This Post is Dedicated to All Lives that were Lost last September 11, 2001

If you did not watch the video yet and just decided to scroll down, here is more information about it:

Dylan Avery has created a documentary about the 9-11 tragedy and has documented everything very well. I still give the benefit of the doubt, his documentary video may be questionable, but the news and press releases with the known and accepted truth are also questionable. True or not, I believe people should see this video and give it to the viewer to decide for the video about the September 11, 2001 tragedy on four airplane crashes at the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon and the failed airplane crash heading for the White House.

A few points described well in this video:

  • 7 of 8 black boxes were not found for all plane crashes. Black boxes that record all flight data are stored in heavy titanium that can withstand almost all of the toughest physical damage.
  • Eye witness accounts say that the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11 that hit the World Trade Center did not look like a commercial airplane at all.
  • Videos seems to show an explosion just before impact of the second plane, United Airlines Flight 175, signifying a missle was shot just before impact.
  • The crash at the Pentagon did not seem to be caused by a Boeing 757, American Airlines Flight 77. All it had was a small hole and no damage was caused by the large wings a Boeing 757 has and all lamp post were bent away from the Pentagon.
  • No large debris of a Boeing 757 was found around the Pentagon. All debris were carried by hand.
  • Many airplane parts are made of Titanium that has a melting point of 1,688oC. And high grade jet fuel burns at a maximum of 1,000oC. Many engine parts should be visible even after the crash event.
  • The Pentagon Flight 77 crash engine debris found looked like a single turbo prop engine that experts say came from a JT8D Turbofan Engine from a US Air Force A3 Skywarrior that only a few are flying today.
  • The defuser case found at the Pentagon crash did not have the same defuser case similar to a Boeing 757 of American Airlines Flight 77.
  • The wheel hub found was not consistent with a wheel hub of a Boeing 757 but similar to smaller military aircraft.
  • The damage caused on the Pentagon looks like a cruise missle damage.
  • Eye witnesses tell mixed stories, some saw a commercial airplane, some saw something that did not look like a commercial airplane.
  • A plane looking like a military C-130 was flying right after the so called crash event.
  • The Sheraton Hotel surveillance camera that has the Pentagon in view was confiscated by the FBI, minutes after the attack.
  • Many of the eyewitnesses of the event at the World Trade Center were convinced that there were many explosions after the planes crashed into the World Trade Center. And in the history of many burning buildings, only one aside from the twin towers have collapsed due to internal fire. Signifying that the World Trade Center was demolished using professional controled demolition explosions. The explosions are viewable on tape.
  • The base of the World Trade Center after the event during clean up has shown evidence of molten steel right at the base of the main foundation. As if the bottom was exploded by bombs.
  • The lobby looks like it was exploded by a bomb and exploded even before collapse and the airplane crash happened 94 more floors above.
  • Underwriters Laboratories’ Kevin Ryan wrote a letter to Frank Gail of the of the National Institute of Science and Technology saying that the steel used for the construction of the World Trade Center passed ASTM E119 steel strength quality and it will require 2000oF, and for it to melt and causing the whole tower to collapse will need about 3000oF to melt and cause it to fall. After a few days, Kevin Ryan was fired from his job.
  • Video cameras were not operational during the 9-11 tragedy and bomb sniffing dogs were removed just before the event.
  • The plane that claimed to fail to crash at the White House, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania had almost no debris but a small crater. The victims of the crash claimed to have called through their cellphones. And cellphones are not usable when in flight.
  • Eyewitnesses did not see a commercial plane flying over the Pennsylvania but noticed a different plane that seemed to be a military aircraft minutes before and after the crash event.
  • Video of Osama Bin Laden who claimed to have admitted the crash does not seem to be Osama Bin Laden, FBI files says Osama Bin Laden is left handed. And the video shows Osama Bin Laden writing with his right hand and wears a gold ring and watch.
  • Why some of the alledged hijackers are still alive. Very weird. But the FBI claimed that the actual pilots used falsified papers are not really the actual people.

Dylan Avery ends his video saying:

I know that it is hard to imagine that our own government would murder almost 3,000 innocent people.
But once you begin to accept that possibility, you can no longer go back to the 19 Arabs, or melting trusses or let’s roll. The official story becomes the conspiracy theory. America has been hijacked, not by Al-Qaeda, not by Osama Bin Laden, but by a group of tyrants ready and willing to do whatever it takes to keep their stranglehold on this country. So what are we going to do about it? Are we going to sit down and take it? Or are we going to stand up and fight for what ever little freedoms we have left? The story of flight 93 is a perfect metaphor for the state of this country. A group of heroes willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation. Voted to take matters into their own hands, no matter the consequences. The time has come. Let’s roll.

Disclaimer: This blog post does not neccessarily voice out the views of the owner of this blog. This blog did not verify any truthfullness of this blog post and advises the readers of this blog and viewers of this video that is it the reader’s/viewer’s discretion whether or not to believe in this blog post. Which is the same with religion, what your teachers teach you in school, what your parents told you, what you read in books, and what you hear in a network marketing seminar. Think twice and use Rene Descartes’ rule of doubting everyting before believing to know the truth. Sabi nga ng Grin Department, Isipin ng sampung beses, count to 1, count to 2, count 3… count to 10, kantuten.

This blog post is a reposting of the same article I posted on my other blog. The latest news is I also bought myself a copy of the video, both first and second editions from Loose Change 911 Information. Once I receive the CD in the mail, I will post about the second edition.