It’s a weekend again and everyday is a busy day!

Work is busy, so many rush stuff.

Business is so busy, at least I got my FAQs and Support Ticket Programs up and running. I also tried my latest SEO Reporting program on a website. All working flawlessly right now.

Registering of my business entity as a Nevada S-Corp happens this month.

Several new hosting deals and domains, and one design/development/SEO client. One problem backlogged website and one in progress that needs to be done asap.
Things to come are: Marcia’s paper work which will be my top priority when I get them and work on my family’s migration here. Several small niche specific small income generating websites. The Learning Annex’ Real Estate Convention with Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Donald Trump and spending the night at cousin Marivic Arriola-Campos. Tax preparations before April 15 deadline. I still have to monitor all bills to pay and other stuff.

Ok back to work… c’ ya around.

New Blog Template

Hi, I was using the WordPress Default template by Kubrick, and I did several customizations to it and it got all erased after I upgraded WordPress from 2.0 to 2.0.1. So now I made it a point, if ever I am going to customize my template, I will not do to the default one and keep it in the default folder. So they do not get overwritten when upgraded.

I searched for an ideal template to modify and I found this Neat template. I did modify it a bit with some PHP magic and made my header graphic randomly changing every page load with pictures I have taken myself. A complete set of the pictures feature on the header portion of this page can be found here.
I did several changes adding in my adsense where and there. I also did my wife a favor, redoing her own blog template. And guess what, she wanted our picture on the blog. Haha. Now I still have to work on Ate Dawn’s and Jamie’s Blogs, but I need to work also, so I will get to those later on.

Number 1 ABA BMX Amateur is Filipino-Korean

Being a BMX’er and a Filipino, I was just interested in posting this video I found online of Josh Oie.

The American Bicycle Association’s number 1 BMX’er is Josh Oie. Half Filipino-Half Korean.

9 and 11 string bass guitar? Pachelbel’s Canon in D on Electric Guitar?

I basically play the piano/keyboards and has a good understanding of how to play the guitar, but I do not consider myself an excellent player like some other friends I have. But still this is also one of the things I like doing. So my interest was drawn to two videos I found online.

9 and 11 String Bass Guitar Player Jean Baudin Plays Mario

I found this video of Jean Baudin. He plays the bass guitar, and one thing unusual with his bass is it has more than 4 strings. To me it looks like a lead guitar with some extra bass strings. He plays it so proficiently that it looks like he is not using a bass guitar at all and all his fingers are all plucking away. Below is a video of him playing Mario.

Not everything he plays sounds like that. Actually he has some pretty cool guitar bass solos on his MySpace account. The bass solos Vanishing and Frosty Acres are really cool. Jeff Baudin’s official website is on

Classical Music Canon in D of Pachelbel – Rock Version by JerryC

Being a piano player, I really like Canon in D by Pachelbel. Not everyone knows classical music, but Canon in D is used often in many TV commercials I have seen. I remember one commercial of a Bank and many commercials of baby related products like milk and diapers. I remember some popular flash animation that circulated the Internet one time that was about the 7-day creation of the Christian belief that also used the same music. And it is my first time to see a version on the electric guitar by some dude named JerryC. Canon in D is one of my favorites and this JerryC guy did a good job in giving it a touch of rock.

JerryC’s is from Taiwan and his official website is

Related Links

About Pachelbel’s Canon on Wikipedia

The International Language of Pusoy Dos

I am currently in San Diego, and this place has a bunch of Filipinos. US-born Filipinos and Philippine Born Filipinos.

Some cannot speak Filipino well, others fluent, others can just understand but cannot speak. Some totally grew up here in the US and has not spent any significant long period of time in the Philippines.

One of my colleagues at work brought some playing cards. And we simply decided to play Pusoy Dos which is a Filipino variation of Poker. In the Philippines, Poker is actually boring. And Poker has two variations in the Philippines, Pusoy and Pusoy Dos. And while we were playing Pusoy Dos, some other Filipinos passing by the lunch table just said: What’s that? Is that Pusoy Dos? And we said yeah. And they knew the game by heart and started playing.

I find it funny how this game reaches overseas. It is like a Filipino tradition that is passed on from generation to generation. Since the only way some US-born and US-raised Filipinos can find out about this is from the older generations that pass it down that came from Philippines mother land. I just find it funny that this game is passed down from generation to generation.

I feel good today!

Last wAek, I s@ay up uHtil 3amfor thedays SuHday, MoHday, TuAsday an@ Wednes@ay. AndI wake Ap usualHy at 5:5am so I was ge@ting abIut lessthan 3 Hours ofsleep fIr 4 dayA. And oH ThursdAy and F@iday, Ijust coAld not @o it anImore. 1 3 of ou@ life iA spent Aleepingand my @ractiioH of sleAping li@e span Aas decrAasing aHd just @eally nAeded tosleep. After a 2 hour Aleep whAre I woIe up onSaturdaI, I stiHl had aheavy hAad, andstill mAnaged tI work abit, onprocedu@al stuf@ that dI not reAuire muAh thinkIng. TheH I got A 10 hou@ sleep @his Sun@ay and I feel gIod agaiH! I feeH I can Atay awaIe againfor a wAek! hahAhaha. WARNING rAaders: @o not dI this a@ home. lol*

My Satu@day nigHt laste@ until Aunday mIrning jAst maskIng in PhItoshopˆ thIs pictu@e of baIboo, wi@h leaveA and stAms goinA all ovAr the pHace. MaAking waA tediouA, but Ijust neAded it @or somesite. Ispent a large nAmber ofhours dIing it Ahile liAtening Ro some @odcast
a title “CamronDeen” tqrget=”_@lank” h@ef=”htt@://”>Camron Deen has recommended.

Now I got to…

  1. Add the bamboo to the design.
  2. Bill some clients, like Edgar and Drew. Hehe. John is paying on Feb 7, no need to remind him.
  3. Prepare some documentation needed for my phone meeting tomorrow with my lawyer for setting up a Nevada Corporation.
  4. Change some font and make a random picture mast head and header graphic of another client.

It is 5:45pm on a Sunday afternoon and hopefully everything gets done for me to still get good sleep for a Monday morning at work.

I didn’t get to go to Mike H.’s birthday, I was just too sleepy to go. I believe he does not read this blog, he may not even know it exists, but well I’ll just still announce on the blog for Mike, just in case he does see this: Happy Birthday and sorry I was not able to come.

Now, back to work…